
Showing posts from August, 2024

About Search Engines

 One thing that we all know is the word search engine. But do you know what the "definition" is? Well according to Google it means  "A program that searches for and identifies items in a database that correspond to keywords or characters specified by the user." Imagine your an admin clerk. Your boss asks you to get a certain number of files on a topic and take it to the boss. Thats what a search engine is. Okay it must seem that it is a too simple answer when it can do mutch more. But this is basically what it dose for what ever you are searching for. Be it music, art, videos etc but it is all the same process.   A fun fact did you know there are over 1500 search engines world wide. And most of us go to one popular search engine. Yes good old google. We use it so much that it makes 99,000 searches a second thats around 8553,600,000 a day. Yes we are attached to our sweet computer and our internet.  Did you know that the first search engine was created in 1990 called