
About Search Engines

 One thing that we all know is the word search engine. But do you know what the "definition" is? Well according to Google it means  "A program that searches for and identifies items in a database that correspond to keywords or characters specified by the user." Imagine your an admin clerk. Your boss asks you to get a certain number of files on a topic and take it to the boss. Thats what a search engine is. Okay it must seem that it is a too simple answer when it can do mutch more. But this is basically what it dose for what ever you are searching for. Be it music, art, videos etc but it is all the same process.   A fun fact did you know there are over 1500 search engines world wide. And most of us go to one popular search engine. Yes good old google. We use it so much that it makes 99,000 searches a second thats around 8553,600,000 a day. Yes we are attached to our sweet computer and our internet.  Did you know that the first search engine was created in 1990 called

Star Trek online

Star Trek online is one of several games related to the Star Trek franchise. It runs on various platforms such as PlayStation, Windows, Mac ext. It is an online game where you can play by yourself aswell as others in various missions.  The game gives you a chance to tackle various villains such as the Borg, Romulans, Klingons, Terran Empire and more in various stories. The gamer also gets to play as TOS characters, Discovery tv character. Romulans, Klingons. But t here story archs are highly limited with around 10-15 max story lines. After this you will endup in the Starfleet storyline. The games and other parts of game pulls you in an could be addictive. Especially when you are playing with around 2.421+ gamers more or less. The game is generally interesting, fast paced and impressive. You can see yourselves playing for hours.  But non Starfleet storylines need tobe improved upon.

Strainge traditions

  In this strainge fast pased world of ours where every little minute counts and is seen as being presus there will be some traditions around the world that will supprise you.   CZECH REPUBLIC: Easter tradition. In Czech Republic there is a tradition, where during Easter, men go around house to house with a willow branch   called 'pomlázka'  ('korbáč' in Slovak) and lightly whip women on the bottom. In return the women give the men drinks and sweets.   However if the men arrive to women's houses after 12 o'clock, the women throw a bucket of cold water on them.   This is all done in a humours way.   Sudan and Ethiopia: Surma Tribe. It is a tradition in this tribe for teenage women to undergo a lip stretching procedure where their lower teeth are taken out. In its place they put in what is called a lip plate. As these girls get older the plate replaced by a larger lip plates. This is until it reaches an unusual size. These lip plates cause the lower

Terragen landscaping software

 Terragen is a landscape design app by Planet software company. It allows the  user to design various landscape and planets using  3d modelling. You can create planets, moons hovering around the clouds. The software allows the users manipulate the landscape from any point whilst allowing the users to change the screen and it colour.  The software comes in two versions one a free version,  which is good but has a lot  of set backs such as it locks out creating any grass, sand, rock or building creation and dose make some images look grainer. Even though there are options to create them but they don’t appear in the paid version.  The paid version is  better even though  it costs a bit. It allows you to do everything thing that a free version can not do. Performance wise it work good on a laptops but it takes up  a lot of usage on the laptop and could slow it down,  even stall the machine regardless if being a 32 or 64 bit memory. On the the free version the rendering of the final may tak