Star Trek online

Star Trek online is one of several games related to the Star Trek franchise. It runs on various platforms such as PlayStation, Windows, Mac ext. It is an online game where you can play by yourself aswell as others in various missions. 

The game gives you a chance to tackle various villains such as the Borg, Romulans, Klingons, Terran Empire and more in various stories. The gamer also gets to play as TOS characters, Discovery tv character. Romulans, Klingons. But t here story archs are highly limited with around 10-15 max story lines. After this you will endup in the Starfleet storyline.

The games and other parts of game pulls you in an could be addictive. Especially when you are playing with around 2.421+ gamers more or less. The game is generally interesting, fast paced and impressive. You can see yourselves playing for hours.  But non Starfleet storylines need tobe improved upon.

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